Tag Archive | HIPPA

Medical Coding Companies In The USA and Offshore Outsourcing

For hospitals, doctors’ offices, and clinics, outsourced medical coding solves many of the workflow and backlog problems associated with maintaining coding department. Looking to cut costs, some healthcare facilities are choosing to send their medical coding overseas. But there are some potential risks with off-shore medical coding, that are negated with using a medical coding company in the United States. Continue reading

HIPAA Coding – Medical Records Coding Privacy and Security

hipaaHealth Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) protocols regulate the information and transmission of patient health records data. This system requires healthcare providers to implement data security measures so they fulfill the regulations from the government, prevent any kind of theft of any information stored on the healthcare record, and guarantee patient privacy. Continue reading

The CMS RAC Audit Process

medicareCertainly by now you are familiar with the CMS RAC program. How familiar depends on whether or not you have had the good fortune to go through this process. Regardless if you’ve been audited or not, you should know a little about the process for your own protection as a provider of Medicare or Medicaid fee-for-service patients. Continue reading