Medical Coding Information

Medical coding information refers to converting or assigning a diagnosis, a procedure, and related drugs into tracking codes. Their work is submitted to insurance companies to fulfill payment purposes, data collection procedures, research, billing, as well as quality improvement purposes.

The Medical Coding Industry meets exacting information and technology requirements resulting in various new opportunities for job placement in the health information or informatics fields. Employment growth in the medical coding sector is growing more rapidly than any other industries today. Demand and job prospects for technicians with a strong background in medical coding are higher because of their skills and associate’s degree. Professional Dynamic Network provides medical coding service locally in the Chicago area, and we provide off-site medical coding and information services to medical companies, hospitals, clinics and doctors offices nationwide.

Contact PDN Today for Medical Coding Staffing Solutions

Call PDN Today – Local Phone Calls: (708)747-4361

Fax Service Inquiries to: (708)747-7057

The Patient Medical Record

Upon providing health care services to an individual, a medical record is created regarding the treatment, its respective observations, and any other surgical or medical procedures. In turn, this medical record includes the information that the patient provides the attending physician about his/her medical history and related symptoms, the results of all related, previous examinations, reports on X-rays, lab examination tests, treatment approaches and diagnoses.

Health information and medical records technicians evaluate these patient records for accuracy as well as thoroughness. These technicians provide important services including the filing of patient health information and assuring completeness of the initial medical charts of a patient, authenticating that each and every form is completed properly, and they take care that the required and available data is entered correctly into the database.

Learn about PDN’s HIM Staffing Solutions or Off-Site Medical Records and Billing Coding Solutions for Healthcare!

Medical Technicians are in direct contact with doctors and other health care professionals in order to gather information systematically, or also to elucidate a diagnosis

occasionally. These technicians analyze data to improve patient care, control the costs, and possibly to use the data in research studies or for use in legal actions.

These medical records are assigned a medical code that is provided by these technicians. These technicians are also known as health information coders, coding specialists, medical record coders, etc. By understanding and having knowledge of disease processes, these technicians assign a code to each practice and analysis. Classification systems software is then used for assigning every patient to diagnosis-related groups or DRGs.


PDN Provides Temporary Medical Staffing Services

DRG Systems and Medical Coding

DRG determines the payment amount for hospitals in case the patient is covered under any insurance programs that recognize the DRG system or Medicare. Coders also use coding systems other than the DRG system for LTC (Long Term Care), physician offices or ambulatory settings.

Reliable medical coding and reporting requires that all technicians or coders apply the code sets in a uniform manner. This process is challenging and quite difficult, since no two patients are alike and the perspective of the specific encounter and the authentic documentation provided must be taken under deliberation when applying medical codes. Therefore, the code sets are updated annually. To help tackle this challenge, there is a full suite of quality products available to assist with coding education, certification, lifelong learning and best practices to keep current with the latest coding industry changes.

For Staffers Knowledgeable in Medical Coding Information Systems, Contact PDN

Call PDN Today for Staffing Solutions – Local Phone Calls: (708)747-4361

Fax Service Inquiries to: (708)747-7057

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