PDN is a MBE Certified Medical Coding Company

MBE certification can help businesses earn market value and contracts. In the United States, people can get business certification of Minority Business Enterprise (MBE), which is a prestigious and honored certification. Local, Federal and Government agencies and other 700 non-profit organizations, and most corporations accept to this particular certificate for organizing business.

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A business owner can also apply for the certification of Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) in the same application form from the State of Texas, and this is monitored by the Women’s Business Council –Southwest. Medical coding careers are specialised, and one needs certification within six months of employment. PDN is a MBE certified business and we offer onsite and offsite medical coding services (employees must maintain medical coding certifications or transcriptionist certifications).

The uniform criteria to get the MBE Certification are:

  • 51% ownership by a woman by minority.
  • Proof of control of business operations by a minority.
  • Business management is held by a minority.
  • Business owner is a US Citizen.

Advantages of MBE Certification

MBE certificates provide various advantages to the business owner in order to operate and manage the business effectively, and some of the advantages include:

  • Business owner can get the opportunity to deal with the government organizations and corporations, and get a contract.
  • This certification provides support, and encourages the business owner to operate effectively.
  • Numerous corporations can access notification of  MBE certification, held by the business owner, as it is available on Internet, which in turn helps to build relationships.
  • After getting the certification, the business owner can participate in educational programs that are beneficial for successful business.
  • The certification holder can maintain contact with the members and holders of certification programs in different regions, which helps in accessing important information about the particular market sector.
  • It also helps the business owner to promote and advertise her/his business to various corporations.